Labor Day
Starring: Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin, Gattlin Griffith, Tom Lipinski, Clark Gregg
Director: Jason Reitman
Out: 31 January 2014 (U.S. Release Dates)

Starring: Kate Winslet, Josh Brolin, Gattlin Griffith, Tom Lipinski, Clark Gregg
Director: Jason Reitman
Out: 31 January 2014 (U.S. Release Dates)

13-year-old Henry struggles to be the man and care for his reclusive single mom (Winslet), while confronting all the pangs of adolescence. On a shopping trip they encounter a wounded, fearsome man (Brolin) who convinces them to take him into their home and later is revealed to be an escaped convict. As police search the town over long Labor Day weekend, they gradually learn his true story, and a romantic bond develops as their options become increasingly limited. Based on the novel, this is adapted by writer/director Jason Reitman (‘Thank You For Smoking’, ‘Juno’, ‘Up In The Air’, ‘Young Adult’). He definitely seems to be running out of steam, this feels well worn and veers towards sentimental. Critics say Winslet and Brolin give it their all and have decent chemistry but they can’t overcome the melodrama and implausible plotting. The public though have been very positive, describing it as like a Nicholas Sparks story made with Oscar-level talent.
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